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Thursday, 11 November 2010

A week with celebrities

Since the Shout Awards is coming closer, tonnes of celebrities decided to drop by the Pagi Show this week to announce their nominations and hopefully garner more votes. You can view the list of nominees and vote at www.shoutawards.com.my
I was sick earlier in the week when Henry Golding dropped by
Could you tell that I was smiling underneath the mask? 
The next day, Hans Isaac was in the house. He is nominated in TWO categories
Fly FM's Pagi Show in action
The next day, Ethan and Khairie from The Amazing Race Asia dropped by. They would not tell us who won!
The whole race was filmed in May/June this year, which explains why they are already out and about.
I hope they were the ones who won. Awesome guys!
Later that day, Maya Karin dropped by. Do not forget to vote for her for the Shout Awards!
Hot chick in the izz house
We made her eat some gross stuff. I do not think she liked it very much lol
 Vote for your favourite nominees now! www.shoutawards.com.my

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